Improve Your Ankle and Foot Health with This Simple Movement

Modern day shoe wear has an elevated heel and a pinched in set of toes. There are studies suggesting that this type of shoe will cause an increased risk of injury to the ankle. On top of that, since most shoes follow this pattern, it leads to bunions and a shorter achilles. 

To avoid further injury to your ankle, foot or knee, I recommend mobilizing your calf, ankle and foot. You can start here, with this simple movement. 

The slant calf stretch can be done on any object indoors or outside. You can use a rock, wall, slant, or even a dumbbell. 

Slide your foot up onto an object to create about a 45 degree angle. It can be more or less of an angle depending on your mobility. Lean your body forward toward the wall or object you’ve got your foot slid up on. Don’t let your leg or foot turn out or in. Keep it and your body in a neutral facing position. A camera or mirror will help here. Try to relax everywhere else in your body except for the quad and tibialis (the muscle helping with the raised toes).

Don’t let your toes curl over the object. Keep them pulled up like you’re trying to see underneath your foot. 

Keep your quad flexed for the duration of the stretch - this is how we create mobility instead of flexibility. Mobility will allow strength at the range of motion you’re in. 

Flexibility is done with force, mobility is done with strength. 

If you can’t lift the toes at all but you can still feel your muscles in the front of your shin doing the work, this counts. 

Slow and controlled breaths during the stretch will allow for a focused effort. 

If you start to feel a sense of comfort at the range of motion you chose, push it further. Go as far as you can without causing pain or risking form. Toes flexed upward. Quad flexed with a straight leg. 


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