Movements that compliment your abilities.

Here you can find any exercises I may program for you. Their modifications and progressions are explained with cues and visuals.


  • Squat

    The benefits of having a strong and mobile squat equal a long and happy life. Take your seat comfortably no matter where you choose.

  • Push

    Having strong pushing musculature means a healthy shoulder girdle and strong triceps.

  • Core

    There are plenty of ways to train your core with foundational lifts. Incase you don’t have any of that heavy load, here are a few of my favorites.

  • Hinge

    Sometimes squats can be painful for folks with knee problems or nerve issues. Bridges are a way to get some lower body strength and mobility. They’re also great to add to your squat routine if you want to give it a go!

  • Accessory Movements

    For now, this is where you will find all the different calf raises and banded movements and anything else that doesn’t quite fit into my other boxes.