Curl Up
Find your neutral spine by rocking your pelvis
Engage your core (zipper) - Your ribs should not be flaring
Your hand is instant feedback - Don’t let your spine move at all
Keep your shoulders down
Lift your head up from the floor, about .5 - 1.5 inches.
Slow and controlled breathing through the nose
Hollow Taps
Find your neutral spine by rocking your pelvis
Engage your core (zipper) to lock in your pelvic position
Slowly lower one leg at a time to kiss your heel to the ground
Slow and controlled breath through the nose
Hollow Body Hold
Find your neutral spine by rocking your pelvis
Engage your core (zipper) to lock in your pelvic position
Lift the head, point the toes, engage the lats
Slow and controlled breaths through the nose
Tuck Up
Extend arms and legs with each rep
Exhale through the nose, pulling your chest to the sky and tucking your legs
Knees together
Toes pointed
Use your arms to assist in lifting the torso. Over time, use less and less assistance.
Side Plank
Top leg in front
Shoulder stacked above the wrist
Stance hand grips the ground with widespread fingers
Avoid the fire poker coming at your side rib
Slow and controlled breath through the nose
Side Plank Rotations
Top leg in front
Shoulder stacked above the elbow
Stance hand grips the ground with widespread fingers
Rotate the body toward the floor, then toward the sky
Slow and controlled breath through the nose