In a World full of information, what is our filter?

I’m certain we can all ask the same question. We all wish we had the answers or wish we knew someone who knew the answers. The reality is that some folks have that person they can turn to for some answers or guidance, others don’t. So where do we start?

When you’re asked if you like a food you’ve never tried before, do you try it before answering? What about a sport or hobby? Have you given them a try before your response?

I’ve learned over the years that it takes trial and error. Sometimes, you gotta try it three times before you really know. Maybe you didn’t feel well or your weren’t ready the first time or two. Don’t give up on yourself. Give it another go. Maybe this time, wear your favorite sweater and try again.

For me, there have been more and more individuals coming into the fitness and health spotlight. I don’t think I follow one of the same people I started following when I began my research. It was honestly mostly body builders that gave me exercises. They knew how to tell me what the muscle should feel like, the reps and sets. And most of them had a nice look. So I did what they did for a while and you know what? Things turned out pretty well.

Until my knee problem that is. Then I took a deep dive. What could I be missing? I thought I knew it all. I’ve researched so much and tried so many things, but there I was - unable to walk right or sleep for more than 2-4 hours before the pain woke me.

I want to help you understand that your path isn’t wrong. My path wasn’t wrong. It just wasn’t fully informed. It’s why I’m so descriptive during training and in general. You don’t know what the person in front of you doesn’t know. Sorry not sorry for my long-winded self. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Resources for you and the fam.

Friends are welcome too…

My favorite cardio app costs around $180 per year and is named Street Parking. I’m not one for cardio, but they help me understand that it doesn’t have to be difficult. They have modifications in the programming as well. Sometimes I just take their timing and do my own workout. It’s convenient and their new app and website updates make it hella user friendly.

Dr. Aaron Horschig has a website called Squat University. This website has information on how to squat, what to do when your knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, etc. feel pain. Plus his plethora of social media is very descriptive. His books really tie everything in his blogs and videos together.

Dr. Andrew Huberman’s podcast The Huberman Lab is where you can find the most recent studies on human health, longevity and efficiency, in my opinion. He’s gotten much better about understanding his audience and keeping them engaged. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is wonderful as well, so I go back and forth between the two for new research on human optimization.

Ben Patrick, The Knees Over Toes Guy. He’s got an affordable training program or you can follow him on YouTube to get all the information you need about rebuilding your knees, pre or post op. I used his program before and saw great results. I utilize some of his moves for every one of my training sessions.

Then we have Dr. Layne Norton ready to help everyone understand which studies are bubkis. In a world full of confirmation bias’s, we need many more Layne’s in this world. The Instagram Team Biolayne will inform you with nutrition, some of the common myths in health and fitness, women’s health, losing fat, etc. Wonderful resource here!

  • He’s also got a wonderfully built app called Carbon Diet Coach. Jackson and I have been using this to help us understand what our energy and protein needs are and where our metabolism sits at. It’s the educational kind of calorie counter and the one I recommend above all.

For nutrition resources, although some of this is covered by all individuals mentioned, here are a few folks that might be beneficial to follow to help you and your family with their nutrition:

  • The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - might be a great start for you to begin understanding what healthy snacks or meals are. Then you can take that information and play with it. What foods can you find at your local farmers market?

  • JessicaAsheWellness - She’s got some great info about reproductive and hormone health for women.

  • Kids.Nutritionist - Has plentiful info about how to feed your children and she also helps you understand their behavior. There is a free app offered in her bio to help you understand how to feed your kids. Gotta love free stuff!

  • HappyHealthyEaters - Is another baby/child nutrition page. Tons of helpful tips and tricks here as well for your little ones.

For the Furry friends I recommend:

Dr. Judy Morgan gives wonderful insight on your animal, their health and resources to keep them for as close to furever as possible. Not sure what to ask your vet or where to even find a vet that’s good for you? Judy has some input here. I go to her and Keep the Tail Wagging for flea and tick help often.

Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog about raw feeding for your pets. She gives her recipes, tips, tricks and the resources she’s built up over the years. You’ll find overlapping information on here and the other resources I provide. But it is nice to get the information in different forms that help others understand.

Raw Feeding 101 gives courses on raw feeding to make sure you know what you’re doing. Sometimes they have sales! But of course, free information is available as well so browse around.

Planet Paws and their book The Forever Dog. The Planet paws website and facebook are extremely informative. They’ll give you the latest research on nutrients to add to your pups diet. The Forever Dog has tons of charts, recipes and more for animal health and longevity.

There will always be more to recommend…

But for now, this is a pretty good start for the lot of you. Check out each individual I mentioned and their social media. The bite-sized information is very helpful. Who doesn’t want more educational social media to scroll through?

I wish you and your family happiness and health. Stay tuned because most of this information will be broken down in digestible bites by yours truly. If there’s anything you’d like me to cover, please let me know by contacting here. I’d be happy to hear what you ponder.


Protein Intake with Diet or Exercise


The Detrained Athlete (hey, that’s all of us at some point)