Protein Quality and Consumption

Protein is a part of everything that we are. When we exercise, protein is the first nutrient you want to optimize in order to stay away from soreness and build stronger, more quality muscle. There are products we use for our face that has protein in it. There are serums and lip balms and lotions. There are shampoos, conditioners, masks, and homemade remedies with egg and mayo, there are all kinds of products out there to keep protein from leaving us dry and wrinkled. Of course, this isn't me saying everyone needs to purchase all the things that have protein in them because sometimes, you don't need it. There are tests you can do at home with your hair to see if you actually need something with protein in it, how awesome. As for the rest of your body, I'm very unsure about those specific tests. I guess I don’t know everything…. BUT

If you see a sign that your body is needing protein, reach for some high-quality protein. Not all proteins are created equal and this is why I say specifically high-quality meaning easily digested and has all nine essential amino acids.

Cows milk, boiled eggs, beef, and chicken breast are some of the highest quality proteins. I'm sure there are some game meats that would take a high seat up here as well but until that study is done, these are the best RESEARCHED, digestible, and amino acid-packed proteins. When it comes to meatless proteins, you’ll need to combine several in order to meet amino acid profiles. Something I’m not educated on but surely a great nutritionist will inform you of how to do so. On the other hand, pea and soy protein powders are pretty good.

We all want to have healthy tendons, cells, enzymes, antibodies, insulin, ligaments, bones, hair, nails, organs, and skin so our first step is to evaluate what we are consuming on a daily. If you’re not feeling your greatest after your meals, maybe you ate too much, too little, or the wrong thing. This is where food journaling is helpful for a time. Get to know yourself and your food/drink consumption. Where can you replace something with a higher-quality protein?

There are about 100,000 different proteins found in the human body. If you currently aren't consuming enough proteins, your immunity is compromised. This can be changed by consuming more protein. What a wonderful cure!

How much protein does one need on a daily? You’ll hear a lot of different answers, I have one, but know that more protein can’t hurt you but try not to go over in calories because those mean everything.

1.5g/kg of protein per pound of lean body mass per day and 0.4g/kg per meal of high-quality protein to hit the leucine threshold.

Eating more protein tends to lead to more muscle gain which in turn will raise your metabolism and help you lose fat more efficiently.

Hopefully, this has enlightened you slightly on the benefits of protein consumption and given you a few resources to understand more about it.


Protein Intake Greater than the RDA Differentially Influences Whole-Body Lean Mass Responses to Purposeful Catabolic and Anabolic Stressors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Dose-response relationship between protein intake and muscle mass increase: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults


Some Strength Training Benefits